What is Functional Testing?

Focuses on verifying that the functions of an application or system work according to specified requirements.

Why Functional Testing Matters in Software Testing?

Ensure that each part of your application behaves as expected, providing a reliable and user-friendly experience.

Top 8 Types of Functional Testing

1. Beta Testing 2. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) 3. Regression Testing 4. Sanity Testing 5. Smoke Testing 6. System Testing 7. Unit Testing 8. Integration Testing

1. Beta Testing

Real-World Testing – Conducted by end users in a real-world environment. – Helps identify bugs and issues before the final release.

2. User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Final Approval – Ensures the software meets business requirements and user needs. – Performed by the client or end-users before the product goes live.

3. Regression Testing

Ensuring Stability – Tests existing functionality after updates or changes. – Ensures new code doesn't break existing features.

4. Sanity Testing

Quick Check – Focuses on verifying that new functionality or bug fixes work as expected. – Conducted after receiving a new build to ensure basic functionality.

5. Smoke Testing

Initial Validation – A preliminary test to check if the basic functionalities work. – Often called a "Build Verification Test."

6. System Testing

Complete Testing – Tests the entire system as a whole to ensure it meets requirements. – Validates the interaction between different components of the system.

7. Unit Testing

Code-Level Testing – Focuses on individual components or units of the software. – Helps catch bugs early in the development process.

8. Integration Testing

Component Interaction – Tests the interaction between different modules or components. – Helps identify issues in the interfaces between units.

Ready to Strengthen Your Functional Testing Services?