Functional Testing is a major software testing procedure that ensures that all the pre-determined features and functionalities of mobile or web applications are well-performing. There are several types of functional testing in a software testing process that prioritize the importance of meeting the expectations of software developers and end-users.

In this blog, let’s get into different functional testing types, key benefits, goals, and objectives of this black box testing that can be performed by both Automatic and Manual Testing Services.

What Is Functional Testing?

Functional testing plays an important role in identifying any potential issues in the software application’s features and resolving them to meet the end-user’s expectations. Simply put, it is a type of black box testing performed during the software development process to ensure all the functionalities are well-optimized and well-functioning.

During the development process, different types of functional testing are performed either by manual or automatic testing methodologies. The key objectives of this testing are to determine early bug detection and resolution, test the functionalities in real-world scenarios, and foster collaboration between testers and developers to ease the software development process.

Let’s discuss the benefits of functional testing in the software development process.

  • Improve Test Efficiency And Accuracy

Functional testing is a great way to increase the efficiency of the software development process when it is done automatically, unlike the manual testing process. Automatic scripts solve multiple tests simultaneously, saving a lot of time to increase efficiency and avoid human errors, ensuring accuracy.

  • Faster Software Launching

In today’s fast-paced world, faster software releases become inevitable. So, different types of functional testing elements in a software application using automated tools help to resolve issues or bugs in the early stage of development, leading to faster product launches for end users.

  • Cost-Effective

Another major benefit of functional testing is that it offers a cost-effective solution to both testers and business owners. In comparison to manual testing, automated functional testing reduces human resources and identifies bugs in the beginning, leading to accurate product release and a lower chance of reparation costs.

Also Read: Top 10 Mobile Test Automation Tools Every Tester Should Know

Importance Of Different Types Of Testing Functional

Different types of functional testing in software testing are important in contributing to the software quality by examining each attribute and validating every functionality to improve positive user experience.

The role of functional testing through automated methodology gives assurance to the performance of the software after passing many test cases in real-world scenarios so that after launching, it shows fewer errors and can resolve them quickly, avoiding heavy money loss.

Let’s get into the types of functional testing with examples to enhance the software performance.

  • The best example of functional testing is testing an e-commerce application. So, in general, the particular application requires some needed features like search, add to cart, buy, and final checkouts. So, for perfect search results, lots of backend features are required, such as handling wrong spelling, proper keywords, filtering, sorting, and synonyms. So, the unit functional testing validates each functionality of the search filters.
  • Another example of different types of functional testing can be seen in many sectors, such as in a hospital app; suppose you want to book an appointment; then, the functional testing tests each detail like name keywords, age, disease types, etc, in the backend application development.

What Are The Types Of Functional Testing?

Before proceeding to apply the functional testing, it is important to get an idea of what are the types of functional testing are performed for different test scenarios.

1. Unit Testing

Unit testing determines whether each individual functionality or component of software application code is running properly. The object of unit testing is to check that every unit of software application is performing well.

The term unit refers to the smallest part in software terminology and often refers to a function that is a part of object-oriented programming.

Key features and characteristics of unit testing include:

    • Granularity

The character determines the amount of detail written with codes to be tested and debugged specifically.

    • Isolation

These types of functional testing in software testing under unit testing test the unit codes independently without the influence of external dependencies.

    • Faster Execution

With the help of different tools, unit tests execute the codes faster.

    • White-box testing

The part of the unit testing that examines all the internal code logic in a system.

    • Refactoring

The refactoring feature of unit testing helps to restructure the existing codes without affecting the external behavior.

    • Feedback

Unit testing also provides faster feedback whenever code changes occur in application development.

For appropriate unit testing, some common tools and frameworks are used, such as Lambda Test, JUnit, Karma, Type Mock, PHP Unit, Test NG, and Mockito. Each tool has different features and is used for different unit testing of several advanced application development tools, including Salesforce, .net core, and many more.

different types of functional testing

Let’s discuss the types of functional testing with examples under unit testing.

  1. Google provides a secure search environment that needs each functionality of search bar components to be tested individually under unit testing.

  2. Another example of unit testing can be seen in Facebook, which has a complex codebase that is often tested individually for each feature under unit testing.

2. Integration Testing

Among different types of testing functional elements, integration testing tests each component when it gradually integrates with other modules in distinct groups.

The key purpose of this type of testing is to resolve inconsistent logical codes of each group, enable third-party services, allow API integrations, and improve the exterior of the hardware interfaces.

There are several approaches to integration testing, such as Big Bang and incremental approaches.

    • Big Bang Approach

In this approach, each module is grouped and tested in a single entity. This approach cannot be performed until each component is tested under unit test. The particular approach is well-suited to small projects that can be easily set up and easy to access.

    • Incremental Approach

This particular approach is very different from the big bang type. Here, two or more similar types of modules having similar code logic and functionalities are grouped together and tested, then integrated with other modules.

The test is repeated until each module group is integrated and tested individually. The testing needs proper planning, which ultimately leads to improving the quality of the developing software application.

Mostly, three types of approaches are included in the incremental approach: bottom-up, top-down, and hybrid approach. The bottom-up approach is used to test low-level components, the top-down is used for higher components, and the hybrid approach combines both other approaches.

Some popular tools used for integration testing for different projects include Selenium, Pie Test, Katalon Studio, Test Complete, Ranorex, etc.

For example, suppose your objective of the test case is to test the login and interface links of the mailbox module. So, to perform integration testing, you have to write a test case description about all login credentials, and it will move to the mailbox module. After that, validate your mailbox and select one mail, and it instantly moves to trash. The entire command is guarded under integration testing.

Also Read: Quality Assurance Metrics That Matter In Healthcare Application Testing

3. System Testing

It is one of the types of functional testing that is performed when a complete integration of the module has been done. The purpose is to check the compliance of the systems, which should be well-functioning and show less error. Here, the inputs are components that passed the integration testing.

The scope and focus of the system testing are to detect any error or irregularity that may happen during the integration for each unit. It is also performed on the whole system in the context of specific functionalities that may be required in an application.

It is a black box testing that is performed either in functional or non-functional testing types before the acceptance testing is tested. System testing enhances its scope through several stages of testing types, such as:

    • Performance Testing

This particular type of testing checks the scalability, reliability, and usability of the product under difficult load situations.

    • Load testing

The type of software testing is executed to check the behavior of the product under extreme load conditions.

    • Stress Testing

This type of system testing is helpful in checking the app’s versatility in performing under heavy load situations.

    • Scalability Testing

This particular system testing checks whether the system is scalable enough to handle multiple user requests.

Some commonly used tools for system testing include JMeter, ALM, Microsoft Test Manager, Appium, Soap UI, Selenium, Gatling, and Apache J serve.

Examples of System testing are seen for software applications. For reference, consider the case of an airline booking system. Through this system, customers can book tickets by browsing the flight schedules, ticket prices, routes, and other individual elements on one page.

Another example of System testing is seen in web applications such as in an e-commerce platform, where users can search for their desired products, read descriptions, add to their carts, and finally, complete all the formalities for checkouts.

4. Smoke Testing

Among different types of functional testing, smoke testing involves validating that all the pre-determined sets of features of the application are performing well when the system needs any change or modification without affecting the existing features.

The purpose of the smoke testing is to determine whether the important basic functions of applications are well-performing regardless of finer details. The basic functions include whether the application is starting properly, if there is any error happening during login, etc.

Before performing the smoke test, you should know when to conduct this particular type of testing. You can apply this test after the software is released. Because there are often many errors shown after the software is released to end-users.

So, a smoke test is a must to identify any errors that are seen afterward in the software development cycle. However, you can reduce the cost of testing in smoke tests if you perform this test when the software is under-built condition.

Some commonly used tools for smoke testing include Selenium, Apium, Test Complete, Phantom JS, J Unit, HPQTP, Test NG, etc.

Let’s take an example so that you can understand how you can perform smoke testing in different web or mobile applications.

Suppose you have recently created a web application, and you require login authentication for users. To apply the smoke test, you must verify the following attributes:

    • User Login And Registration Portal

The smoke test verifies users can easily log in using relevant inputs efficiently.

    • Authentication Flow

After the login is complete, the system should enable the users to register themselves by entering their ID and password.

    • Error Handling attribute

The system should perfectly send an error message to the user’s phone or e-mail ID whenever the wrong input is given.

5. Sanity Testing

Sanity testing is among the different types of functional testing elements in a software application, which checks whether the modified or updated features are working properly with other components. The testing does not test the entire software’s stability; rather, it focuses on smaller changes happening in a system.

The key goal of this testing type is to ensure the testing process runs smoothly despite small changes or modifications happening in a system. Like smoke testing, sanity testing is performed at an early stage or after the regression test is done. However, they have many differences.

Key differences between smoke and sanity testing-

    • Goal

The goal of sanity testing is to determine whether the software is running as expected. At the same time, the smoke test determines whether the basic features of the software are performing well.

    • Scope

Smoke testing offers a high-level scope for functional testing, whereas sanity testing provides a narrow scope of the testing process.

    • Performed by whom

The smoke testing is performed either by developers or testers. However, sanity testing is performed only by testers using product documentation.

    • Importance

The sanity test gives importance to detecting any minor change in the early stage, like typos, edges, UI issues, or minor errors. Meanwhile, the smoke test is important for resolving higher errors such as system crashes, missing functionalities, etc.

Some commonly used tools for sanity testing include Postman, TestNG, Robot Framework, JUnit, Selenium, etc.

Some examples of sanity testing include checking if the forget password button is working properly on the login page, whether a payment function is working in an e-commerce application as expected, etc.

6. Regression Testing

It is one of the types of functional testing in software testing that checks whether the code changes in a system do not adversely affect the existing features. It is a type of software retest process that ensures the pre-tested functionality is running properly after modification. The purpose of this testing is to find the persistent issues whenever a code change occurs.

This type of software functional testing is helpful in maintaining the features efficiently. Whenever a code change is required, developers perform regression testing so that the changing code does not negatively affect the pre-tested features.

Developers perform this type of testing daily in order to effectively write codes while updating or adding new features.  They also use automated debugging tools to detect any kind of vulnerabilities every time the system requires an update.

Some commonly used tools for regression testing include the Lambda Test (which is an AI-driven tool to test across several applications), Selenium (An automated web application testing tool), and Watir (which uses Ruby language).

Other tools for regression testing include Serenity, Silktest, Wizard, Apache J Meter, RFT by IBM, etc.

Let’s consider an example where you can see the use case of regression testing. Everyone must know the Billion USD Tesla company’s website. The company Tesla earns the majority of its income through its website. So, all the features must be well-optimized for a great response.

Suppose, let’s see its front page, where all the products are mentioned with a drop-down list. Let the company launch a new product. So, developers have to add that product along with existing products. So, to add the product, the keyword should undergo regression testing so that customers can navigate any of the products, including the new one, easily.

different types of testing functional

7. User Acceptance Testing

User acceptance testing or UAT testing is often regarded as end-user testing and is one of the important types of functional testing used to test the developed software in real-world interactions before the final launch of the product in the market.

The goal is to find the system’s reliability, functionality, and usability of the application in a secure way when tested under real-world scenarios.

While performing the user acceptance testing, end-users play a pivotal role in determining whether the following features are running properly. The end-users may be the testers or project assigners.

The end-user checks:

  • Whether the application’s overall features are running properly, the features may be product category, description, menu, payment functions, etc.
  • Also, check whether the software is loading faster.
  • The software also should be redirected properly despite the network condition.
  • Also, check the security features while multiple logins are occurring at a time, ensure the software is behaving properly, and comply with the security standards and industry standards.

To perform UAT, you can use some popular tools like Test Grid, which is an AI-powered tool that helps developers write test scripts easily for both web and mobile applications.

Other tools like Test Complete offer both codeless or coded test script writing options, and Selenium, an open-source platform, etc.

For example, let’s talk about the case of an e-commerce web application. So, to perform UAT testing, you can take the help of a business assigner who checks each functionality, like payment features, product layouts, and product description, to be correctly working. Also, checks the loading speed of the webpage application and other business requirements.

8. Beta Testing

Beta testing is a type of functional testing, and part of user acceptance testing occurs between the alpha testing phase and before the product launch phase. It offers closed-box testing and a great way to get user feedback. The goal of this type of testing is to see how the developed application looks in a real-world environment.

Let’s find out some key differences between Beta testing and alpha testing:

    • Who can perform

The beta testing is performed by internal testers as well as external users through invitations or requests. At the same time, the alpha testing is performed only by the testing company’s internal testers.

    • Testing Environment

The beta testing is tested under a daily real-world testing environment, whereas the alpha testing is done in a closed testing environment in restrictive test scenarios.

    • Objectives

Alpha testing catches bugs in the development stage, whereas Beta testing’s main objective is to find the remaining bugs based on user feedback and standard performance conditions.

    • Execution Time

The execution timing of both tests depends on each other. The successful internal alpha testing led to better beta testing while performing user acceptance testing to get user feedback. So, the execution time becomes faster the way the errors are handled at each stage.

    • Scope

Alpha testing ensures the internal quality of the features after each update or solves issues before adding new features. The scope of beta testing determines the external user acceptance testing.

Some common tools used for Beta testing include Lambda Test, Selenium, JUnit, TestNG, Test Complete, HP QTP, Phantom JS, etc.

Examples of beta testing can be seen in any field during the final launching of products for any type of software launching for an e-commerce platform, testing web, mobile or desktop applications, hospitality sectors, educational sectors, etc.

Ready To Elevate Testing? Discover More Functional Types Now!

In this journey of different types of functional testing, the blog covers all important aspects of software testing to enhance the software life cycles through proper functional testing. From unit testing to regression testing and, finally, the user acceptance testing, each test defines its individuality in boosting the software development life cycle.

So, in order to make your software accessible and boost the usability and reliability of the developed software system, enable functional testing from the early stage of the development to reduce errors after the product launch.

Boost your productivity through functional software testing with the help of a manual testing company now!

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